Moving overseas?
Australian residents/citizens
If you’re an Australian permanent resident or citizen heading overseas, your super remains subject to the same rules, even if you are leaving Australia permanently. This means your super must remain in your super fund/s until you reach preservation age and are eligible to access it.
An exception applies if you are migrating permanently to New Zealand — you may be able to transfer your Australian super to a New Zealand KiwiSaver scheme. Visit the ATO website for more information.
In December 2023, the Government has announced that it will allow transfers from Australian super funds to the Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund from 1 July 2025. This is not yet law.
Can I contribute while I’m away?
Probably. However, there are restrictions on contributions to self-managed super funds (SMSFs).
People in other super funds often continue to make personal contributions to their Australian super fund while away to ensure their balance continues to grow and to cover any insurance premiums being deducted. In circumstances where you are working for an Australian employer internationally (see below) they may also be required to continue making Superannuation Guarantee payments into your account.
If you’re planning on heading overseas for an extended period of time it’s a good idea to do some research into funds which can offer a suitable choice of investments for your needs without charging excessive fees, while you’re away. This will help your balance grow even if you are no longer contributing.
Working overseas for an Australian employer
If your Australian employer sends you to work in another country, usually they will still be required to make Superannuation Guarantee payments into your super account. Australia has bilateral social security agreements with a number of countries that remove the issue of double superannuation coverage that might occur if you or your employer are required to make superannuation (or equivalent) contributions under the legislation of both countries for the same work. Visit the ATO website or call 13 10 20 for more information.
Temporary residents
If you are an overseas resident working temporarily in Australia, you may be eligible to be paid your superannuation money once you have left Australia through what is known as a departing Australia superannuation payment (DASP). For more information or to apply, visit the ATO website.